REDCap Requests

All research project staff require separate accounts for user management. Kindly fill in the form below for requesting account creation at the main server @ REDCap Live


Request for Staff (#5)

1. PI Details:

2. Project Staff Details:


Students pursuing residency  (MD, MS, DM, MCH or PhD) will require own REDCap live accounts to set up their thesis/research work. These accounts need to be requested by the thesis guide or by their research mentor. The student account would be mapped under the sponsorship of the Faculty.


Request Student (#7)

1. PI Details:

2. Student Details:

Multicentric projects require accounts to be created for extramural participants. Such accounts include credentials for co-PI, site-PI, co-investigators as well as their students and research staff. Kindly use the form below to request such accounts to be created under the sponsorship of the Institute PI. Alternatively, use the bulk upload form to provide all details.


Request Extramural (#6)

1. PI Details:

2. Collaborator Details:

Projects often require account creation for multiple users. In most cases, the individual account creation forms will suffice. In case where there is a need the bulk upload form can be used. To use the bulk create process, first download the Bulk Upload Template and fill it up.

Kindly note that the fields [username], [first name], [last name] and [email address] are mandatory. We will try to accommodate the username provided in the [username] column on availability basis. For multi institute project the [institution ID] should be the name of the institute. In all cases, the [User’s sponsor] is your username. The [comments] field is generally used for adding any additional information like position, affiliation, location, etc.


Bulk Upload (#8)

1. PI Details:

2. Upload File:

All REDCap Live projects require this project form to be filled and the IRB ethics permission to be uploaded. The documents uploaded are only visible to you and are secure. No projects will be approved to be moved to the production status in the REDCap live server, unless the ethics permission is added here.


Project Details (#9)

1. PI Details:

2. Project Details:

The REDCap Live Server needs a separate username and password for security, unlike the OrangeCap. This username & password is individual to each PI and for safety, we strongly suggest it to be not shared with other project staff. All research staff requires independent user login for REDCap Live server for activity log and user audit. Kindly fill in the form to complete your account creation request. Accounts are generally created with 48 working hours from request. If there is any delay, kindly contact the REDCap admins here.


REDCap Live Requests

1. PI Details:

2. Account Details:

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