Setup Wizard


Create PI Account

One account to manage all

Sign up and create and account at this website ( This step is necessary for only project PIs and AIIMS Faculty and permenant Scientists. This account controls all requests to the REDCap systems at AIIMS Delhi.



Log into OrangeCap

The playground for REDCap

Visit the OrangeCap training portal. Click on the AIIMS-Connect button to login. You will be automatically logged in without the need of any username or password. In case of difficulty see the full tutorial here.



Your Profile

Complete and Connect

Complete your user profile here. Your profile details are safe and private and are used to auto-fill requests to the REDCap admin. Completed profile helps connect with other researchers in the institute. Go ahead, upload a profile pic!




The official REDCap Server

For safety, the login process of the production server is completely separate. Request a REDCap Live account here. All projects uploaded to REDCap live needs permission from the Admin and must be accompanied with a IRB Ethical Clearance, which can be uploaded here.



Project Staff

Your research, your control

All project staff (Scientists, RA, RO, DEO), needs independent REDCap Live accounts for logging and security. Request user creation by using the form here. You can control access of staff using the User Dashboard within REDCap.



Collaborative Research

Co-investigator REDCap access

Multicentric research projects, requiring REDCap accounts for multiple extramural PIs, Co-PIs and their research staff needs to be requested here. You can control access of all extramural collaborators in the User Dashboard within REDCap.



Research Ethics

All project documents

Research projects hosted on REDCap server requires IRB (Institute Review Board) ethics clearance. This is a mandatory requirement built into the REDCap licence between the Institute and the Consortium. Kindly upload your project documents.



Email Subscription

Information @ Inbox

At REDCap, we understand the value of user privacy. No spam or unsolicited messages are sent from the system to the user at anytime. Therefore it is necessary for you to join the mailing list to be able to receive REDCap notices, announcements, tutorials etc. in your mail. Join the mailing list here.

Thats it Folks!

If you have covered all the basics, you might also want to browse the REDCap tutorials, resources, and our Blog posts. Additionally, if you have suggestions for better management, or training topics, you are most welcome to share here. As this is a community of REDCap Researchers in AIIMS, we all need to learn from one another. We invite you to contribute posts, tutorials and “tips & tricks” at our own REDCap blog. Finally, if all fails, we are always happy to chip in. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Want Training?

Write to us today!

Contact Form REDCap