AIIMS-REDCap User Agreement


The AIIMS-REDCap System Usage Agreement (‘Agreement’) must be read, and accepted by all users of the AIIMS REDCap System (‘REDCap Users’). By using the AIIMS REDCap system, the REDCap Users agree to abide by the provisions of the system usage agreement. REDCap Users understand that violating the provisions of this agreement may constitute grounds for cancellation/rejection of user rights and data rights as per AIIMS ethics policies and procedures.

The All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) system administrators may make changes to the AIIMS REDCap usage agreement from time to time. When these changes are made, REDCap admins will make the new version of the agreement available at the AIIMS REDCap  website ( Such updates will also be broadcast to all REDCap Users via email and publicized through other appropriate channels.


Terms of use:

The REDCap System as hosted by AIIMS is:
(a) Intended for use in research activities as defined and regulated by the AIIMS ethics committee guidelines.
(b) NOT intended to be used as a primary system for supporting clinical services.
(c) NOT intended to be used as a primary system for supporting any emergency services.
(d) NOT to be used as the basis for providing a contract or other services to any entity.

Responsibilities of REDCap Users:

REDCap Users are defined as any person who have been authorized by the AIIMS-REDCap system administrators to login and use the REDCap system.
It is the responsibility of AIIMS REDCap Users to:
(a) Safeguard their REDCap login information. Users will be held responsible for all activities conducted with their REDCap account, regardless of whether they were the one performing those actions.
(b) Build and use the REDCap projects in such a way to ensure compliance with the requirements of the institute ethics approval for the Study. Personal data protection acts (HIPAA, DISHA) and all other relevant regulations where applicable to protect the study participants’ privacy and confidentiality.
(c) Understand that any data containing personally identifiable or health information only be downloaded to secure computers that are approved by Principal Investigator.
(d) Acknowledge the use of REDCap system in any manuscripts/papers/publications based on research data that is collected and managed using the REDCap system.

Responsibilities of Project Administrator:

The REDCap Project Administrator (Owner) shall be the Principal Investigator of the study as notified to the Institute Ethics Committee. The Project Owner must be a Faculty Member of AIIMS Delhi for the duration of the Project. All projects and users associated with a project will be suspended upon the departure of the Principal Investigator from AIIMS, unless a successor Principal Investigator is assigned and authorized.

In addition to the responsibilities of a REDCap User, the Project Owner shall also be responsible for:
(a) Active supervision of the use of the REDCap Project to ensure compliance with the requirements of the ethics approval for the study, data protection acts and all other relevant regulations where applicable, to protect the study participants’ privacy and confidentiality.
(b) Actively supervise and manage the project REDCap users and their access rights to the project owner’s REDCap project(s), and remove the user’s access to the project when it is no longer required.
(c) Maintain ethics approval and all relevant regulatory approvals for the entire duration of the REDCap Project.
(d) Ensure that their project users are aware of, and have read the AIIMS REDCap System Usage Agreement.
(e) Taking appropriate measures to ensure that research activities are not affected by any REDCap System downtime.
(f) Inform the REDCap System Administrators ( when the REDCap Project has been completed, or is no longer required.

Acknowledgement of the use of REDCap:

All REDCap Users are required to acknowledge the use of REDCap system in any manuscripts/papers/publications based on research data that is collected and managed using the REDCap system, by including the following REDCap citation.
Please visit for more information about REDCap acknowledgement or visit our resouces page for details.

REDCap System Oversight and Management Reporting:

(a) All REDCap Projects and the REDCap User History shall be tracked by the AIIMS REDCap System Administrators for oversight reporting and management purposes.
(b) NHG reserves the right to suspend the REDCap Project and/or REDCap User access to the System without notice if any non-compliances or irregularities are found.

EULA Version 2.01
Dated: 1st January, 2023